Persuasive Essay On No Contact Rule

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Before social media, there was always a good chance that you could go months or years before bumping into your ex again or even hearing about what they are up to now, but these days it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay in the loop, even when you don’t want to. Trying to adhere to a no contact rule is always going to be a challenge in such as socially-connected age, but there are ways to move on and not have any reminders of the past. Understanding what the no contact rule actually means After a breakup, you might not want to have any contact with your ex-partner in the beginning, but there are some good reasons to suggest that it should stay that way and becoming friends rather than lovers, is not an option. The no contact rule …show more content…

The same reasoning applies to any other form of contact such as sending an email, leaving a note for them, or deliberately turning up at a venue where you know you have a good chance of bumping into them. Show some discipline Time might turn on out be a great healer and you might decide at some point in the future that you are so over your ex, that it doesn’t matter whether you have any contact with them or not. That is good news if you have the emotional strength and ability to detach yourself completely from your past, but saying you are over someone doesn’t always mean that you feel that same way on the inside. The best way to benefit from the no contact rule and be able to move on, is to be disciplined and set yourself a challenge to avoid any sort of contact for a minimum period of time. The very minimum period of time to keep the no contact rule going is 30 days. A month is barely enough time for emotional wounds to heal and feelings to change, which is why some people consider that observing a 90-day no contact period should be appropriate. Each broken relationship has its own complexities and circumstances, so set yourself at least a 30-day target to avoid any contact and then review how you feel before deciding whether to extend the

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