Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The marijuana use has been a controversial topic for a long time now. The health risks and benefits are constantly being debated, and there are millions of recreational users throughout the world (Truong). The main problem with marijuana is that, unlike tobacco and other drugs, it is relatively simple to grow and harvest by even the most inexperienced of gardeners, and thus makes it difficult for government figures to legalize it. Tobacco and alcohol, the two most widely used drugs in the world, are manufactured by businesses that are “in-talks” with the government, and since people cannot easily create products like beer and cigarettes on their own, it makes it quite simple for the government to tax these products since they are regulated. …show more content…

The nation is trillions of dollars in debt, and attaining a balanced budget, at this time, is nothing but a dream. Every dollar counts. If states are going to legalize marijuana for recreational use, they must also be willing to draw funds from different programs in order to support the new legislation (Sauceda). Proponents of legalization tend to ignore this fact, and their love of getting high allows them to overlook the potential financial problems that legalization may create for their state. Fortunately, many citizens do realize the financial risks that go hand-in-hand with legalization, and it is in part thanks to these people that there is still an ongoing battle regarding legalization. It is unlikely, however, that advocates of legalization will change, or even drop their stance on the issue completely, so in reality, the opposition is fighting an uphill battle, and the sad truth is that full legalization is bound to happen eventually. Even states that have already legalized marijuana for medical use will someday have to push full legalization due to pressures from other states as well as from their own residents, and although this is only a theory, the trend toward growing support of marijuana legalization seems to indicate that the future will be a lot more

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