Persuasive Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana

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For years the cry out for the legalization of marijuana has been a hot issue for many Americans particularly in the last several years with activist petitioning for the legalization in the many ballots throughout the United States. Now, even more so with Colorado and Washington decriminalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use even though in doing so it violates federal law which regulates drugs through the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (Americans For Safe Access). These activists claim that with the legalization marijuana the United States can place a tax on marijuana, use marijuana for medical purposes, use marijuana as a resource, and that the crime rates can possibly go down. On the other hand, many Americans, oppose the legalization of marijuana for a number of reasons because it is morally wrong and it goes against core family values, that marijuana is a gateway drug, the crime rate will not decrease but in fact rise, and that the legalization of marijuana goes against federal drug law therefore should not be legalize. Pros: Taxing Marijuana Many activists have this notion that by placing a tax on marijuana the way United States does on alcohol, tobacco, and on the owners that grow and distribute medical marijuana that the generated funds can be used for pulling America out of its financial debt. As crazy as this idea may sound it actually makes a great deal of sense to legalize and tax marijuana. For example, Colorado and Washington are trying to establish a bill that would place a fifteen percent tax rate on recreational use and an excise tax on pot transfers between pot growers and sellers (Bowen) since the voters legalized it for recreational and medical use. Furthermore, the State of Colorado has already ge... ... middle of paper ... ...n saying that it is ok to do drugs. It is bad already that we have television glamourizing drug use, pop culture expressing drug use is fun to do, and young children in seventh grade and up doing marijuana excessively. How are we as parents supposed to compete against marijuana if our government says it is ok to do? In conclusion, although there are many advocates that claim that with the legalization of marijuana the United States can place a tax on it, use marijuana for medical purposes, and use marijuana as a resource. There are still many Americans that condone the legalization of marijuana and therefore this issue is going to continue to attract many spectators throughout our nation even if it gets legalized or not. One thing is for certain marijuana is still a crime to sell, possess, and grow in the United States through the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.

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