Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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Often populace will argue that this group of people are not doing their part as American citizens and paying taxes but what these people do not know is; most illegal immigrants do. As Reason Foundation Senior Analyst Shikha Dalmia has reported, “In 2006 an estimated 8 million illegal immigrants—up to two thirds of the total—paid taxes, including both income taxes and Medicare and Social Security taxes” (Dalmia). Everyone who makes a purchase in the U.S. pays sales taxes, regardless of of their immigration status. Also as an effect of avoiding their taxes could result in deportation as a consequence, therefore Illegal immigrant are more cautious of errors.
Many people believe that immigrants are stealing Americans jobs, proprietor of the Capitalist Pig blog, Jonathan Hoenig, explains; “The fact that foreigners are eager to pick crops, clean houses, bus tables and produce allows more of us to afford cheaper food and better services, affording us even more wealth to enjoy and invest. It’s not the immigrants, but the …show more content…

At times, residents who were born in America see these undocumented individuals as if they should not have the privilege of living here in our free nation. But what we need to remember is that most illegal immigrants are; law-abiding, in order to stay in America and avoid deportation Aliens must abide by the law. Undocumented immigrant must also to tax-paying, which everyone who makes a purchases in America is paying sales tax; therefore, so are immigrant also if illegal immigrants are not paying their taxes they run the higher risk of being focused to go back home, since tax evasion is a criminal act. Also these immigrants who are traveling over to the United States are hard-working residents, immigrant labor is currently at high demand because these individuals normally will take on tedious and unskilled work at low wages, which helps our

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