Persuasive Essay On Human Trafficking

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Slavery, abolished 150 years ago still exists even to this day, by the form of human trafficking. Although this type of enslavement is not distinguished by the color of one’s skin, but its victims can be anyone. Traffickers usually deceive their targets by giving them false information about employment, but other methods are also practiced. After they are held captive they are forced to enter the sex trade and labor force, violating them of their basic human rights. Human trafficking is a leading crime in the country, resulting in multiple victims ranging from young children to the older population, primarily young women. The people behind these treacherous acts are criminal organizations, such as the Mexican cartels. Not only was Texas ranked …show more content…

Most have to undergo psychological treatment and remember the harsh treatment, while others struggle to acclimate to their everyday life. Danielle is an example of victims who could not regain their normal lives. She became part of the human trafficking business at the age of 15, where she was held against her will, beaten, and exploited. Although she escaped several years ago, she receives constant reminders of the past, by a tattoo imprinted on the back of her neck. She said in an interview, “I don’t look in the mirror often, because every time I see it, it brings back fear” (Gilmore 1). Danielle’s efforts to restart her life are proven feeble, because she despises the people who would recognize the tattoo and feels ashamed. Which diminishes her chance of truly escaping the horrors of human …show more content…

As a result, they target people by giving them false hope on a job opportunity, a better life, or passage to a new country. Victims are even pressured into becoming perpetrators themselves to secure a more comfortable standard of living. While, simply striving to survive in this cruel environment. But the increasing rate of captives is due to a low awareness on the subject at hand. Not to mention, the few laws and training officers that are in motion to end this brutality. Anyone can become a victim, but not everyone has the knowledge to prevent this crime. Therefore, the never-ending enslavement of people continues to

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