Persuasive Essay On Guns In Schools

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Imagine that you are walking from class to you car, and another student pulls out a gun and started to shoot the people walking to their car. Now imagine that a faculty member is also walking in that group of people. They would have a handgun, and would be trained to take down the shooter. Allowing full time faculty and staff to carry a handgun on college campuses will make students and faculty feel safe while they are trying to learn. Granting faculty and staff to carry a concealed handgun will make people feel safer when they are on a college campus. A student that is walking to their car in the dark might feel safer if they knew that there was a staff member somewhere near his or her car. As Wheeler states the Pearl High School shooter …show more content…

Most schools have a loose security, and you can walk right into a building and not be questioned. Some schools might have locked doors, but what is to stop a student from walking into that classroom before class, and waiting for a certain amount of people to enter the class before he or she starts shooting. Schools might have a sign saying no guns or knives on campus, but who is going to really going to search the people on come onto the campus. It is also really hard for campus security to search every single person that comes onto the campus, and if they did no one would make it to their class on …show more content…

Teachers and staff will also be carrying a gun and will be able to retaliate. Faculty and staff will have to notify security and administration that they are carrying a handgun. Jacinthia Jones states “Webb, the security chief at Southwest, said she's planning voluntary safety training sessions for faculty. For instance, in the case of an active shooter situation on campus and police are present, Webb wants armed faculty to know they're not part of the security force.” These teachers would be taught how to shoot an intruder, but not to severely injure

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