Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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The problem of gun control is one of the most controversial topics. Most of the population are for it, explaining that carrying a gun provides them protection because our justice system cannot always protect us which causes people to another way to stay safe. However, a gun is still a weapon. Although the fact that most people want to posses a gun in order to be safe, we are aware that innocent people were hurt unintentionally. This causes more and more people to support having a gun. The police and the military should be allowed to carry a firearm. However citizens should not carry a firearm and limited owning one. The government should be aware deciding whether this person should or should not be allowed to carry a gun.

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All states should be able to have a permit and a license to own and purchase a gun. The government should be able to have a permit and a license to own a purchase a gun. This will help improve the community by making restriction for a person before owning a gun. The government should be able to search a background check on a person to be allowed owning a gun. Allowing all states to make a background check, having a permit, and license will restrict less gun in the community. Restrictions on guns will limit the amount of firearms in the community. Police are qualified to carry a gun for protection of the community. They learned and trained to use a gun in various situations. In the essay we read in class "Just Take Away Their Guns" written by James Wilson, he highlights the social, political, and law concerning with carrying a gun. According to his essay, he reflects that it is the responsibility of police and law enforcement agencies to maintain law and order to protect the community. On page 126 he says, "Our goal should not be the disarming of law-abiding citizens. It should be to reduce the number of people who carry guns unlawfully, especially in places- on streets, in taverns- where the mere presence of a gun can increase the hazard we all face. The most effective way to reduce illegal gun carrying is to encourage the police to take guns away from people who carry them without

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