Persuasive Essay On Going To College

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From the time an American student reaches the 6th grade, they are taught that the key to life is to do well in high school so that they can get accepted into the best possible colleges. However, this was not the case in our parents’ generations. From personal experience, my parents never attended college, let alone got a high school diploma. At the age of seven they were working and that was their normalcy, whereas in today’s generation, elementary, middle, and high school are what we are taught the minute we enter this world. Although some students will disagree and others agree, college is a no brainer for some whereas it is not even an option for others.
At an early age, regardless of parents, television, or older siblings, college is …show more content…

Evidently this may be true, however, attending college does not always mean you are guaranteed a job. For instance, “in 2015 just 14% of this year’s college seniors have steady, career-type jobs lined up for their lives after graduation” (Owens 1). Additionally, students are told that college is the norm once they get a high school degree and Celente states, “you don’t know how to think because they told you how to think their way” (College Conspiracy Documentary 2011). Additionally, Jennifer Hunter, a Penn State University Abington librarian, stated, “I tend to think it’s important. I think even if you aren’t pursuing some sort of office work, I think a college education helps you think more critically and deeply which for me is a cornerstone of …show more content…

The director, Andrew Rossi, uses statistical appeals to show, “68% of the students who are paying small fortunes for their education at public universities won’t graduate within four years” (Tallerico 1). Throughout this film, Rossi explores Harvard’s education system, Arizona State University’s party scene, and Cooper Union, a Manhattan college that was founded for their free education and their continuous tuition-free learning (Kingkade 1). As Rossi was exploring these dissimilar schools, he did not touch upon colleges such as; community college and trade-schools. To continue, Hunter stated, “we don’t necessary know that college is necessary for pursuing different professions, so I think that trade-school is realistic and a useful path for a

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