Persuasive Essay On Four Day School Day

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Now a days students don't get home from after school activities till late at night. Most of the time they never have time to do homework that teachers pile on them. There has been talk about expanding the school day; by making it a four day school day, but adding two hours to the day. Here's why you shouldn't expand the school day.
An important con is time of the day and working to get your activities in schedule. Sleeping in class is already a problem now. Kids look forward to the end of the day to jump on their soft, fluffy, dreamland and to be passed out for three hours. Adding two hours to the day will just increase the number of students sleeping in class. It also takes away time for the kids to do their homework and some free time for themselves afterwards. Most likely classes are going to be longer, due to the extension. That's not motivating kids or exciting them for school, they already think classes are long enough! …show more content…

There's not much left for free time.
Equally important is after school activities. Add two hours to the day ruins the whole schedule plan for kids to get to their designated place.Adding the stress of school then their activity and then knowing you have homework is too much on our shoulders. Student might leave early from school to go to where they need to be.Some activities may be pushed back into later of the day and kids won't get back home till late at

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