Persuasive Essay On Euthanizing Animals

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According to the Humane Society, 4-5 million cats and dogs that live in shelters are euthanized each year! This does not include the total number of pets in families who choose to euthanize their pets. In the article, "Rare White Rhino Population Drops to 3 with Euthanasia at San Diego Zoo," we are told that there are only 3 White Rhinos left in the world, due to euthanizing. According to the Washington Post, a 41-year-old white rhino named Nola, was put to sleep due to a bacterial infection and age-related health problems. It is vital that we stand up and realize what is right for animals. We need to have a voice and speak for them because they cannot speak for themselves. We need to realize that the practice of euthanizing is not right. It is not our right to determine when an animal should die. Letting nature decide and not giving humans the ability to kill an animal whenever they feel it is right, is why we should stand against euthanasia. I strongly believe that the lives of animals should not be in our hands, but instead be decided by …show more content…

While some people may believe that euthanizing animals is important and can protect people from dangerous animals or that it puts animals out of pain; I strongly encourage them to look at the other side of the argument. Understanding that many people abuse euthanizing for their own convenience is just one of the reasons we should stop euthanizing. Among other reasons is that people need to understand that euthanizing can immensely hurt a population of species by killing too many too soon. Above all, letting nature take it's course by allowing animals to die when it's their time is why we should not allow humans to euthanize. We should not decide animals fate for them. Therefore, I encourage that we take a stand against euthanasia. Together, we can stop this cruel act against

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