Persuasive Essay On Cheroids And Groceries

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Conventional medications are those in your major pharmacies, and the cost is increasing every day. Many seniors cannot afford to buy their monthly prescriptions while financial aid for this emergency decrease. People choose either to buy medications or groceries. Although with most medications you need to eat food with it to prevent it from destroying the lining of the stomach, people cannot afford to get both medication and food. There are many dilemmas pertaining to the cost of drugs. Doctors find out from many of their patients that when they cannot afford to buy the dose they need, the only other recourse is to do without them. Patients with hypertension and are out of money sometimes experience strokes. These high-cost drugs are …show more content…

When you do your own comparison, you realize you and most people can buy groceries along with your favorite herbs. You won’t endure the monthly demand of stress you get when you are out of the drugs you take to control your diagnosis. The amounts of herbs available are many and a variety to select from that may be cheaper than others. The problem of waiting for a doctor or going to his office for him to write a prescription is resolved. No prescription is needed for taking herbs. They are not patent, which removes the cost of ownership and the greed that influences an inflated price. Herbs do not come with long labels you cannot pronounce. Unlike choosing conventional prescription when you take herbs you know what can happen to you when you eat them. Every medication you take comes with a folded up instruction resembling a booklet. This instruction includes the negative things that can happen when you take them. When you buy herbs, it does not include this label. There is a sense of freedom from being scared of adverse symptoms when you use …show more content…

These substances are the same properties in natural and organic foods. The exception is that medicinal herbs store them in larger amounts than food and they are in a greater degree of a natural form. The exceptional ingredients of many herbs are their essential oils. They produce this by removing the oil from the plant in a concentrated form. The purification method allows this to happen and the oils are full to capacity with health benefits. Essential oils are made from the seeds, trees, plants, flowers, bushes or shrubs of the medicinal herbs. When the oils are extracted using the proper methods the shelf life of the oil is extensive. These oils are small vials full of organic vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. This makes them more than 70 percent stronger than the herb itself. The oils contain the components of the herbs but 70 times more potent. Essential oils do not lose their strength and you must know how to use it because of its strength. While the oil can be removed if the oils stay in the herbs you still get nutritional enjoyment from it. When these oils are placed on the skin they saturate the cells and go through the skin. When you understand how to use the oils the body is permeated with a jolt and surge of health. Many oils are ingestible and others are not but what you gain from these oils despite the way you use them is

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