Persuasive Essay On Ben Carson

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Carson for President
“I haven’t said anything about me being the only one to do anything, so let me try that. I am the only one to separate Siamese twins. The only one to operate on babies while they’re still in their mother’s womb. The only one to take out half of a brain, but you would think if you go to Washington, that someone had beat me to it.” Ben Carson said this at the ending of Republican debate. He was the head of the neurosurgeons and an author and now running to be the next President of the United States. You may say why do I want another black president, or why should I vote for a neurosurgeon to be in control of a nation? Carson views on education, foreign policy, and economy will prove to you why you should vote for Dr. Ben …show more content…

He was born and raised in Detroit with a single mother. They did not have much, but Carson mother made him and his brothers read two books a week and give a written report on each one. Needless did he know that his mother could not read, but it kept him and his brother out of trouble. Eventually it led to Carson getting a full ride to any school of his choice, so he choice Yale University and later University of Michigan Health System. Now days Carson believes in improving inter city schools to make kids want to learn, make education fun and exciting for kids. He said when slavery still existed if you educated a man you liberated him!” The American people have become lazy and not on the education the America was established was on. You make ask why does education matter? A perfect example is ancient Rome strongest military of the time, but they destroyed themselves from within from moral decay and fiscal irresponsibility. Carson says this to prove the education is one of the biggest things wrong with our …show more content…

Foreign policy can be described as the relations we have with another country. Carson says "I 'm ready for leadership on the world stage and not just sitting around and waiting to see what other people." He is ready to take control, stopping waiting, and make USA a powerhouse again once and for all. He also believes in increasing military spending and increase all aspects of our armed forces to help protect our country and also help any country that needs our help. One of the best thing he says is " there is no such things as a politically correct war. We need to grow up, we need to mature. If you 're gonna have rules for war, you should just have a rule that says no war." He is mainly talking about ISIS because everyone knows they are not gonna play by the rules, but he realizes that and wants our soldiers to do everything to stop. If we wait too long they will be invading us, then it will be too late. Also most people want to move to be free no one is gonna to move to a commandism country. An example is Cuba all those people want freedom, but cannot get it. Carson believes if he can make better relations with countries then maybe we can influence them to a better

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