Persuasive Essay About Zoos

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Zoos are a vital part of the world as we know it whether you like it or not. They do a lot of very helpful things that help keep species around. We should have zoos because they do a lot of things that help animals instead of being these terrible animal abusers people hang them out to be.
First thing is that without zoos many animal species would have gone extinct. Animals and species such as the Panamanian golden frog. These frogs were dying off due to the fact a fungus was killing them off so zoos took them in hoping that sooner or later they could introduce them to their native environment. Then with chimpanzees they were breeding them and transferring them to AZA-Accredited Zoos.So without these breeding programs or zoos many of these species would be either close to extinction or extinct. Although the argument is made that you cannot release these newly breeded animals back into the wild at the end of the day they are still around to be seen and admired. …show more content…

There have been cases of this in the past but most zoos are extremely respectful towards the wildlife they house there. When there was an uproar with the shooting of Harambe the Gorilla people saw that as cruel and extremely inhumane but at the end of the day that was an animal that was a threatening a young boy's life so the zoo chose the boy over the gorilla and Harambe was gone. For the most part in the United States most zoos are kept under watch by federal agencies and such and most of the wrongdoing comes from other countries where there is really no supervising force to watch these peoples

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