Persuasive Essay About Zoos

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Animals at zoos are getting mistreated by zoo keepers. The animals want to get free they bite the fences to try to get out because they have a disease called zoochosis. There are two reasons why I’m writing this paper is the population of zoos and zoochosis.The population of animals at zoos are getting smaller than the wild, and zoochosis is a disease that animals are getting. Zoos should be eliminated. One reason we should get rid zoos is in the wild there are way more animals than the zoos. In “Life span of elephants in zoos and in the wild,” African elephants live up to 15-20 years in zoos and in the wild they live up to 50-55. That is way different. There are some endangered species in the zoos and they are dying way earlier than in the wild. Also Asian elephants are living up to 15-20 years in zoos and 40-45 years in the wild. Zoos should take care of animals better because they could be an endangered species in a few years. Lastly on the graph it shows that there animals can and will live longer where they can roam and not be stuck in a cage. They can find more food, …show more content…

One reason of this is some animals are getting homesick and want to be wild and free, not stuck behind a fence. Some reasons are they get taken away from their own families and want to live with them again. Elephants spend 22% biting the cage trying to get free, Bears spend 30% also. Another piece of evidence “A whale was removed from his natural habitat in Iceland and placed in a tank in Niagara falls. He died 4 years later from outside air sunshine and companionship.“ Last reason is some sea animals are used to swim 100 miles and now they are stuck in a tank where is very confine. They don't feel comfortable in spaces like this. Animals should be able to be free and be the way the want to live. Animals should be able to live free since we live in a free country they should be able

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