Persuasive Essay About Hunting

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Hunting is the oldest practice of man. It Taps into the most basic, and Primal instincts of the everyday human. The hunt today, while modernized, is still a truly satisfactory game. Today 50% of hunters hunt for sport, and a whopping 46% of those Sportsman use the body of the animal to its fullest potential. What they gain from the animal are fresh meat fur and bones. While many no longer appreciate the ancient art, and even oppose it, hunting is not to satisfy a simple violent urge, but to bring forth fresh meat, pelts, and bones.

On a first note, hunting controls destructive animal populations, and balances biodiversity. Just last year 607 people in the US alone were killed by animals whose species were way over populated. Now, thanks to hunting only 105 animal related deaths have occurred. Sally Driscoll and David Morley authors of “Hunting provides numerous benefits the hunters, wildlife, and the environment.” convey what was once a problematic situation:”Wild boars eat agricultural crop, carry diseases that threaten pigs and humans, and threaten native plants and animals.” Hunters in those problematic areas are responsible for keeping that dangerous population in check. Similarly, in Puerto Rico, there was a wild goat issue; they endangered the Iguana, a species with it quickly dwindling population. …show more content…

Driscoll and Morely Explain “The reward for humans is a truly free range, organic meat, the healthiest and most natural of diets.” Additionally, studies have shown that meat gained through hunting is more nutritious than store-bought meat and is less likely to cause food poisoning, imbalanced hormones, and cancer, due to its lack of steroids antibiotics and

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