Persuasive Essay: A Note On The Effects Of Divorce

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A break-up from a relationship can hurt and break your heart into pieces. Many people have a hard time coping up with a simple break up but what if you are breaking up not only with your boyfriend/girlfriend? What if you already have that piece of paper signed, that ring on your finger and that promised to be with each other through thick and thin? Can you still cope up with the heartache when you are ending a relationship that is already bound in marriage? Divorce is common. However, no matter how common it is, a couple undergoing a divorce process is still under mental and emotional stress especially if you have invested a lot of feelings in your relationship. It may be hard how to survive divorce yet it is still doable. Most people may
Know that grieving is important. When you lose something or someone, grieving is just a normal process and it is important that you allow yourself a proper grieving period to ensure that you will be able to move on.
• Be open about what you are feeling. Most often, you try to hide your tears and pain because it is either you are too embarrass to let other people see you or you are too angry with yourself or your partner for a failed relationship. But you should take note that it is important to have those feelings and more important to be open and share whatever it is that is inside of you. You do not want to explode because of those unexpressed emotions, do
Even if you feel alone because you no longer have a partner to share the challenge with, always remember that you are not alone. You still have your family and friends who are willing to help and be there for you. You may feel awkward with their company but they will be a big help for you to handle the situation fine.
• Give attention to yourself. When in a relationship, it is possible that you have limited time to spend with yourself because you always give time to your partner. This is the high time now for you to enjoy something for yourself. Reflect about yourself. Are you still happy? Are you improving? Are you still willing to be in a new relationship?
• Take care of yourself physically, emotionally and mentally. Divorce can cause you too much stress that it might hamper your health. When you want to cope up with a divorce, it is best if you are fit to handle the situation when you are in a healthy state of mind, controlled emotions and physically capable.
• Be positive always. Negativity never helps. Once you have a positive outlook towards the situation and in your life, you will be able to know that everything will still be okay and go back to normal after all the pains and hurts. Having a positive mind will make you realize and feel that there is more to life than this challenge and it will push you to move on towards the

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