Persuasive Animal Abuse Essay

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When you walk down the street do you see cats or dogs that are left all alone with no food?

Do you think that the cat or dog that was abused or thrown out? Well I believe that animal abuse should not be allowed. Animals are just like humans.

If you abuse your dog or cat they could get severely hurt or worse. If you get mad at something most people take it out on their animals. Some animals are verbally abused it means that they get yelled at for everything. Some animals are so small they can get hurt badly if you hit them hard.

My dog Paige she was verbally abused before we got her she was afraid of loud noises, so we would have to go thru the house and make loud noises so she could get use to it.

My neighbor's dog Casper was abused, and now he is afraid of some men. Casper is a small dog he has a bad leg and if you pick him up by that leg he will yelp. …show more content…

That is another way to hurt your animal. Don’t yell at a dog or hit them. Animals die more every year from abuse and natural causes. Some people don’t know that they are abusing their animal. If you see the animal commercials of them on the streets alone that is true.

My mom’s grandpa had a dog named Tiny. He saved Tiny from a very abusive home. What Tiny did is he protected grandpa for grandpa protecting him. It is not just dogs that get abused so do other animals like tigers, elephants, and horse.

My mom told me a story about elephants and this guy was dieing the elephant tusks pink, because there is a man that was killing elephants for something in there tusks. The die does not hurt the elephants he is protecting

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