Personification And Extended Metaphors In Emily Dickinson's Poems

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Emily Dickinson wrote over 1800 poems. Dickinson is also known for her use of personification and extended metaphors. Dickinson uses personification and extended metaphors in order to establish a picture in the reader’s mind and make the reader think of a deeper meaning. Emily Dickinson, in the poems “Dear March-Come In-” and “The Winds Visit” uses personification in order to create a picture in the reader’s mind. “Dear March- Come In” has personification which connects the reader to the feeling of loving March/springtime. “Dear march- come in-”, this personification is important because they use it throughout the poem. The poet used personification to make the reader think about how it feels to have spring come and go. Dickinson not only used personification in “Dear March- Come In”, but also in “The Winds Visit”, in order to establish a picture in the reader’s mind. “The wind tapped…”, this is personification …show more content…

“Hope” has extended metaphor which causes the reader to think of a deeper meaning. The extended metaphor in “Hope” is saying hope is equal to a bird. The reason that the poet used an extended metaphor is because it is more complex to figure out the meaning of the poem. Dickinson not only used metaphors in “Hope” but also in “The Moon” in order to make the reader think of a deeper meaning. The extended metaphor in “The Moon” is about loving what you have and not take things for granted. The reason that the poet used an extended metaphor is to try and make the reader think about what the poet actually means. In conclusion Dickinson uses a lot of extended metaphors in order to make the reader think about the poet's actual meaning. In conclusion the two things that Emily Dickinson uses is personification and extended metaphor. She uses these things in order to make the reader think of the poems deeper

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