Personality And Personality Essay

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Personality are those charaeristics or qualities adquired that form an individual's distintive character this is what makes each one of different from another and sets us apart. In this essay I will be taking a look back at my life and discussing waht ascpets of my personality have changed and which ones have remained the same. Following it by analizing the roles of nature and nuture in the shape on my personality and the things in life that have made my personality change and those that have made some of the things stay. And describe the roles of nature and nuture in my personality. While taking a look back at life and reflecting to how i was when i was a kid the thing that have changed the most is the shyness. I remember going into places …show more content…

Also the way I did things when younger was because of my surrounding like getting into fights with some of the kids and etc. One thing i did not never picked up from this was the used of drugs I was taught not to mess with those things and I was given the chance in my early childhood to experience drugs by gansters around the block but i always refused which by many of them that know me now that i am grown have to respect and admire it. Now what is used to recalled this is information would be sources of bias which would have to be memory related. This are memory that have been stored because they are not very unpleasent and according to chapter in the book those painful memory are often erased. The science of pshychology places more empahis on results based on scientific studies because this studies have been done my those in the field and are more accurate. The scientifics gather an amount of test subjects (people) and the scientist come with a theory and then after this theory the group are devided into two testing groups. Where the theory will be put into a test which is called the experiment. And this gives the scientist their actual answer with proven facts rather then just going for personal experiences because this could be alter by many things through out the events or throughout

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