Personal Statement Of Purpose To Participate In Doctors Without Borders

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There are moments in this life that set people on a path towards greatness. When I was in the fourth grade, my parents were having problems with their marriage. These were not the typical problems that could be resolved within a day. They were problems that produced screaming matches in the evening, slammed doors and a fourth grader too afraid to interrupt in order to get a parental signature on her reading log for the week. I thought the worst of my problems were over when my my father left our family, our home. Finally, there was peace. I would have felt guilty about my pleasure upon his departure, except I knew that things would be easier without him. Yet this peace did not last long. Perhaps a week later my mother pulled me out of school and told me that she was going to visit my father, she told me that he was sick.
To most, “sick” means a cough or a sneeze but in my circumstance, sick meant a brain tumor the size of an avocado pit, lodged into the frontal lobe of …show more content…

Meeting Dr. Vagner transformed the future I strived for. These professionals are real life superheroes and I hope to become one. I aspire to participate in Doctors Without Borders. I believe the work they accomplish is absolutely incredible and cannot think of a higher honor than the opportunity to serve the most impoverished individuals in the world. I believe a truly fulfilled life is one that is driven by service to others. Eventually, I would love to work in a hospital setting. I want to work in an occupation that gives people back to their mothers and fathers, their sons and daughters, their wives and husbands. Injuries to the brain can take someone in more than one way. Of course they could die, but the characteristics that made them who they are can also die while their hearts beat on. I want to be the doctor that has the potential to rescue families from either form that death

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