Personal Statement Essay: MA Management And Management

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We all face challenges in our lives. My father’s battle with chronic cancer and my own struggle with depression and dyslexia, while living abroad independently since young, are some of the challenges I have faced in my life. These experiences have not only constructed a solid ground for self-improvement but also compelled me to become a passionate inquirer with eminent interest in understanding societies and individuals. My interests in international business and organisational dynamics, facilitated by a varied spectrum of personal experiences and family background, have led me to believe that understanding organisational dynamics and behaviour is a prerequisite for effectively understanding and managing our societies. Therefore, I seek to embark upon another challenge for personal growth and obtainment of useful expertise which allows me to truly engage with the constructive force that shapes us all. I believe that such objective can be sufficiently fulfilled only by reading MA Management & Organizational Analysis at Warwick University.
I have been privileged to actively engage with social welfare and organisational management with global perspectives, due to the dinner table discussions my social worker mother and CEO father provoked me to get involved in since young age. Having encountered the international spectrum of culture and values through travelling and living abroad, reading Msc Politics at Durham University has given me the opportunity to rigorously inquire about societies and organisations in academia. The social, ethical and political concepts and practices learned during the course have instilled me to attain adequate analytical skills to critically and innovatively assess the delicate and interdependent relation...

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... highly demanding, I believe I have been prepared with adequate skills to work under pressure upon a sincere commitment to excellent performance as it can be observed with my continuous progress for 3 years. While my academic record is not outstanding, my serious mitigating circumstances should be taken into consideration for its explanation. I believe that my enthusiasm for innovation, diverse range of international experience and a thirst for learning combined, can deliver synergy effect with what MA Management & Organizational Analysis. at Warwick University can offer for mutual benefits. I hope that Warwick University is able to value my abilities and potentials seen from my intellectual curiosity and distinguished experiences and offer an opportunity for me to obtain greater confidence and actualise my dreams to contributing to societies through this challenge.

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