Personal Statement: Career Analysis

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Members of the Committee, I would like to start by thanking you for taking the time to review my application. I have lived a career path that is unique to say the least. After graduating with my culinary degree I worked in several kitchens learning what it is to be a subordinate. After a little over 2 years, the economy was tanking, and the restaurants I worked for continued to fail or struggle. I decided I needed a career change. I joined the Navy as a Deep Sea Diver. Over the Past seven years I have quickly moved up the ranks, and now I am in a position of major authority. In this position I manage personnel, scheduling, budgets, planning, and everything else you would expect of a high level manager in any fortune 500 company. The Navy has placed me in a position to manage projects and systems ranging from tens of thousands up to millions of dollars. A MBA from St Leo would keep me at the peak of trends in …show more content…

I am a leader in the Navy Special Operations (SPEC OPS)program. Leaders in this community are held to a higher level of knowledge and professionalism, than anyone else in the services. I am always studying, and bettering myself. In my current position I am literally responsible for peoples lives. The more I understand the physics, and the medical effects of diving on the human body, the better suited I am to save my personnel's lives. It is this added pressure, and responsibility that has lead me to grow, and mature. I believe now is the time to continue my education. When I was going through my BA program, I was only concerned with passing my classes. The concept of going for a Masters level program with a degree in Culinary Arts was not something I ever considered. Life has led me to mature, and realize my current career path could change in an instant, and gaining knowledge will better prepare me for whatever comes next. This is why I know it is time to further my

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