Personal Statement: A Career In Nursing

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After I had graduated high school, I felt assurance and certainty that I would stick with the major I had chosen regardless of how difficult it could become to obtain it. That plan eventually changed as I realized where I wanted myself to be wasn’t the path I had chosen. My goals for my education shifted as I realized a career in nursing could not completely capture what I wanted to achieve in regards to being able to help others. Of course, nursing is an incredibly selfless and hardworking pursuit; but rather than helping others individually I wondered how I could help the masses all at once. Healthcare administration soon became a clear choice for me in regards to changing my major. There can be much to learn when it comes to the field as …show more content…

As a result, I decided to be an active member of my church in efforts to reach within the community. Along with other members of the church and community, we decided to unite and create such outreach programs in order to establish a more educated community about the steps needed to take in order to build more relationships and to create more opportunities. As a member of the organization, my responsibilities consist of planning and organizing educational discussions for issues within the community and helping kids by centering on a theme that permeates content, methodology, and the learning environment. Whether that be through Sunday school or the summer camps. I believe that opportunities should be a right open to all, not just a privilege that only a certain few that can afford. When I see that students are being denied small opportunities such as a safe place to grow not just in Christ but also as a person, I feel the need to take action. Coincidentally, this is the major reason why I decided to apply for this scholarship because this company shares the same vision of helping people as quickly and effectively as they

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