Personal Statement

1985 Words4 Pages

I am the black sheep in my family. I am the one who has broken the mold so to speak and lived outside the status quo. In the eyes of others, I have not done anything extraordinary. However, in the eyes of my entire family I am that spark of HOPE! Whether my brother becomes an artist, my cousin becomes a veterinarian or my mother becomes a chef, I’d like to believe that I have influenced them to try something different. My seeing, believing, attempting and achieving a college degree that has inspired my family to think outside the norm and say “my life can be different”. When I think of what led me to choose social work as my profession, there was no single event or person that led me to that decision. I have spent the greater portion of my life coming to the conclusion that I enjoy being able to help others. When I was younger, my mom described me as: “ an over achiever”, “smart”, “bossy”, and “the Mama”. I took care of my siblings, because in my eyes they were my babies. . In the third grade I just knew I was meant to be a teacher. Teaching would be the way I would be able to help other people. Through out middle school and high school I had an awesome role model/ mentor (who was my teacher in the 6th grade) that only reaffirmed for me that teaching was my calling. I wanted to be just like her. When I graduated, I went to college with a teaching degree on my mind. My freshman year in college, I had my first Teaching Assistantship (TA) and it was truly an eye opener. I remember having a boy in the fifth grade class I was placed in that caught my interest immediately. Everyday, I wondered about him. The boy stood out to me because of his obvious calls for attention and recognition. It seemed as though the teacher had gotten us... ... middle of paper ... ... I love becomes so unnerving that I can be of any use to others. As time goes by limitations will arise, but as I mature in the field I will conquer those limitations in order to pursue my goal of being a great social worker. I hope and pray that whoever is reading my personal statement has gained valuable insights to the person I have become and the person I am currently striving to become. It is my goal to give back to society and I have chosen social work as my outlet. I want to one day be able to say I have given as many chances to others as people have given to me. I want to instill hope in children who have been told they would be nothing because of where they were raised. I want to aid elderly in need and help families overcoming life’s obstacles. I want to provide hope to the hopeless. I want to obtain my Master of Social work. I want to be a social worker.

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