Personal Narrative: Why Kids Should Not Face Competition

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Last year I played baseball for a little league team. In order to go to the championship, we needed to win the game we were playing. The other team was too good for us so we lost and didn’t make the championship. We had to face competition and failed. Some people contemplate that competition is good for kids, while others do not. Is it really healthy for kids to face competition? What do you think? I believe that younger kids should not face competition, but when they get older they should learn to lose and not just get praise for participation because if young kids face competition, they may not do well and fail. On the other hand, if older kids do not face competition, they might not even try and be cocky because they think they are the best. …show more content…

In the article, he states that he is convinced that competition is destructive for young kids. I personally agree with him because I think that competition can hurt young kids because if they are not good they may give up. Also a sports journalist named Grantland Rice, who is considered a legend for his time in sports writing, once said, “Its not that you won or lost but how you played the game.” For older kids, coaches should mention this to their kids. I have experienced that some older kids get down on themselves if their team lost. Instead they should focus on how they played the game because at their age they are probably going to lose at that age because they should face competition. John Tauer is a psychologist at the University of St. Thomas. He studies competition and coaches the men’s basketball team for the university. He once said, “You don’t get away from competition unless you go to a system where everybody gets to do whatever they want, whenever they want.” I agree with Dr. Tauer because when kids get older, they can not get away from competition and need to face the defeat. If they lose, they need to build a bridge and get over it, and focus on how they

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