Personal Narrative: What I Learned In College

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College is definitely a lot more difficult than I had anticipated. Although I had heard several people attest to the rigor that is college, and I had even witnessed the struggle first-hand as a high-schooler, it never really sunk in until I experienced my first real semester of college. I had a study plan when I arrived on campus, though in hindsight it had been poorly constructed. It had been simple and logical enough; spend more time studying classes that I felt were hard more than classes that would be – should be – easy. It had been solid, but the moment the semester really started, that plan fell apart rather quickly due to a combination of stress and procrastination that I had never factored in. Studying was, simply put, boring and even though I was required to study eight hours a week by the NROTC, it really didn’t help me drag up the strength to crack open a book and put some knowledge into my head very often. …show more content…

Thus, I had been surprised that I completed Fall semester with a 2.83 GPA; I was completely blindsided by the C in biology that I had received – I had anticipated a B – and with there not being enough A’s to cancel out the C, I limped away from the semester feeling

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