What I Learned In My First College English Class

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My first college English class was ENC 1101 at the State College of Florida. In this course, I learned a vast amount of information about writing, reading, and grammar. When I first walked into ENC 1101 in August, I expected the class to be like any other English class in High School; with rushed busy work and a lot of useless tests and quizzes. However, throughout each week of the semester, Professor Knutsen’s class made me beg to differ. This class was not like any other high school English class. In this class I actually learned important information and did not do work just to complete it. This class had a few assignments here and there, enough to maintain, in order to learn proper information. I learned a lot in this class because I was not rushed to complete my work or focus on useless tests on books or vocabulary. As weeks passed, I found myself reading a lot in the textbook, and paying attention to assignments. …show more content…

In this class, we spent time on in class writing, project essays, peer reviews, oral presentations, blog posts, group summary presentations and questions, rhetorical analysis, and a research paper. Many of my papers we wrote were about social and ethical issues of our society. These papers have taught me a lot about the world around us. Some topics of my papers included: abortion, women’s appearance in society, cigarette smoking, etc. About every other week, Professor Knutsen made us do in class writing. These writing were about

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