Academic Stressure And Academic Pressure

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A. It’s easy to forget how many college students spend majority of their day or time stressed out. It’s no easy task to balance classes, do well on exams, projects, homework, and even extra-curricular activities the work is enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed and in my case especially during final exams. Academic performance and grades throughout your college career can have large stressful impact on you. I identify academic performance pressure as a stressor simply because coursework is not only demanding but the competition for earning top marks and remaining on the dean’s list and receiving good grades is fierce.
B. There are many problems associated with academic pressure on the college level. Consistently poor academic performance …show more content…

A big cause of academic pressure relates to students having poor time management. Students have to take into consideration the course load verse the time available as a stressful factor in academic pressure. My perception of course load positively correlates with exam stress and academic pressure. Problems with this stressor can also lead to all different kinds of side effects including depression which can contribute or interfere with effective study habits and as a result weaken academic achievement even more. Problems associated with this stressor can even lead or affect a student’s future. The competition for grades, and maintaining good grades and academic achievement not only can affect student’s career choices but can even create financial problems as a result of paying for tuition and expenses anyway even after not performing well academically. Weather you perform well or not, academically performance can affect students who are planning to apply for admission to graduate school while they struggle to excel. The same is true for those who need or are seeking scholarship funding or have no other choice …show more content…

There are different ways to plan and overcome some of the obstacles listed above. My first way would be using a reward system. Giving myself a small reward whenever I finish a semester with good grades doesn’t necessarily show I lowered my stress but gives me incentives to remind myself to keep calm because it’s all worth it in the end. Even giving myself a small reward when I finish studying for test such as a quick check on my facebook feed or a 5 minute walk could also help to lower the stress. Also knowing my limits with how much academic pressure I can handle is important and can help overcome some of my obstacles as well. Another thing I can plan is if I know I have three tests in three days in the same week I could skip going out on the previous weekend and spend more time studying in order to reduce the feeling of stress and help to remove the academic pressure. Goal setting is also a great way to help overcome the obstacles when dealing with academic pressure. Goal setting is not only about sacrifice but helps you maintain good grades and a high G.P.A and in return helps you work towards your goals and lower stress. As part of my plan is being aware of when I am stressing, and start doing instead. Meaning, being conscious of the amount of time I spend stressing over academics and try to limit it. Instead of focusing my energy and time on how much work I have to do I should invest my time in the work I can do, while I chip away at the material and work that

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