Personal Narrative-Therapist's Waiting Room

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“This is pointless.” I muttered those words at a volume that could only be heard by my own ears. The waiting room was torture, and the waiting was even more torturous. Two fake, and very plastic looking plants sat in the corner, shining abnormally in the harsh lighting. My palms were sweaty from anxiety and the unbearable heat that seemed to encase the room. My mom sat at the couch opposite of me, her reading glasses illuminated from the glow of her cell phone. Music played softly from the empty front desk that sat behind a wooden baby gate. It wasn’t that I expected a therapist’s waiting room to look like. I expected obnoxiously cheerful posters telling me to keep on living and to be healthy. I arrived in that room with an attitude that could put what I felt boiling over inside me to shame. “I don’t want to be here,” I mumbled, a bit more audibly than I intended. I wondered absently what would happen if I just strolled out the door and never came back to …show more content…

His silver colored head seemed to brush the top of the doorway as he appeared. Glasses sat on the bridge of his nose. He vaguely resembled grandpa who appeared at a family gathering that one has heard of on occasions, but his persona was never elaborated on. That one grampa that went to college and was successful and envied. A petite woman emerged from the doorway as well, which only emphasised his immense height. She nodded in response, and ushered herself out the door into the relief of cold air. Even the January weather seemed like a better option than the microwave we were nestled in. “Lauren?” he asked, trekking across the baby gate. I nodded in response, and continued to pet the adorable, eternally moving dog at my feet. He decided that it was a bright idea to show me a toy rope that sat in the corner of the room, and set it at my feet expectantly. “That’s Poco,” he

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