Personal Narrative: The Name Karina

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“I would like to be remembered as a man who had a wonderful time living life, a man who had good friends, fine family- and I don’t think that I could ask for anything more than that” (Frank Sinatra Quotes). Frank Sinatra was one of the most popular entertainers of the 20th century. Between singing and acting he did it all. He was a well known man. I recently listened to his music and have watched clips of some movies he has been in and I admire his work. In relation to his quote, I hope to be remembered as more than just the girl with the interesting name and the cool story as to how she got it. I hope to be remembered as the girl how went the extra mile to help those in need. The name Karina has multiple origins and meanings. From the origin …show more content…

I read once about the characteristics that people have with the name Karina. In the article, it talked about how people with the name Karina were passionate, intuitive, and have magnetic personalities. Karinas are broad minded and generous. They tend to follow career paths where they can serve humanity. They are romantic and they easily fall in love, but may be easily hurt and sometimes they are quick-tempered (Karina). I feel that I can relate to what the articles were saying because I want to go into mission work, I am very quick tempered, and I do think that I have a magnetic personality because I tend to make friendships very …show more content…

Either their name was a family name and it was passed down through the generations or their parents picked it out of a baby name book. Or maybe their parents just really liked that name because one of their friends from school had that name. Well my story isn’t like that. Mine is unique, just like my name. When my parents first told me the story behind my name, I thought that my dad was just making it up. I thought “there could be no way that was the story behind my name.” But it was. About four to six months before I was born, my parents were watching a ballroom dancing competition on T.V. There was a dancer with the name Karina who was from Ukraine. My parents really liked that name because it was unique. My parents chose unique names for my sisters and I because they didn’t want another Ashley or McKayla. But at the same time they didn’t want a name that we would get made fun of for having. My older sister’s name is Natasha and my younger sister’s name is Naomi. I feel that the name Natasha is becoming more common because I hear it a lot more. The name Naomi isn’t as common but I have heard it a few

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