Personal Narrative: Tahitian Dance

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A girl in a new town, no family trying to make friends and find something to do to comfort her soul. One day a flyer came in the schools Thursday Envelope, containing weekly announcements. One flyer really caught my attention, it said “KIA AHI HAWAII” Tahitian dance every Thursday 5:30 - 6:30. I really wanted to go because I have always wanted to dance since I was a little kid, the best part is it is free. My mom said she would take me, so we went on that first Thursday of open enrollment. The group was fairly new it was the group’s second open enrollment which meant the group was only around for one year. The first practice was really nerve wracking, all these things running through my mind, will they like me, will I be good enough? There were things running through my mind what if I suck. All the doubts that I could have possibly fathomed vanquished the moment I heard the drums beat of the drums. We began to dance and I remember I struggled on some moves at first, but I did not let that stop me. Whenever I had free time I would go home and practice those moves that I struggled with. It really takes a lot of determination at first because you have to figure out how to do the moves, then you have that pain after because Tahitian is a real workout and some serious cardio. …show more content…

Time management is something very important in life and

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