Personal Narrative: Snow

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Snow Its funny to think that before today, I had never seen the thing called snow. The giver gave me something called a “memory”. He placed his hands on his back, and I soon felt a new scene engulf me. I was on something that i later knew as a “Sled”, I was going down the slippery hill super fast. I remember the feel of thrill, and joy. If all of the meetings would be like this i couldn't wait, i had hear something had happened to the previous receiver, so i was a bit scared but it was fun. My first day was truly great and i can't wait for more. Sunshine Today I went back for new memories, he once again placed a hand on my back. This time i saw something else. It was something called a “color”, all things have them. I saw a color called The feeling of the sun was pressing against my shoulders and legs. It was beginning to make my skin feel leathery, dry, and it felt like it was cracking. I didn't want to be feeling this anymore, it wasn't fun. I never knew the “sun” could burn someone. I remember moving away from the giver, not wanting this anymore. Even though I knew this was not real, i felt pain after the memory had finished. I walked stiffly to my bike, and rode home from the room, feeling tired and and a bit fed up. I didn't tell my parents about my pain, because they wouldn't understand, plus it wasn't actually Birthdays are sort of like the ceremonies that we have. In this memory there was cake, decorations. And then there was a bunch of people, these people are related and called family. The family is brothers, sisters, moms, dads, uncles, aunts and a whole bunch of other people. The people celebrate getting older with a song, cake and presents. Christmas The giver wanted to give me his favorite memory, it was a time called christmas. The people used to call them holidays, and i now know that a birthday is a holiday. Along the other holidays there is easter, halloween, st patrick's day, and other ones. These holidays are all different times of the year. Okay, so chirstmas. Everything was warm, there was a fireplace. There was also a drink called eggnog. Like birthdays, there is food and presents. Some people don't celebrate this holiday i learned, but i definitely would. I wish i could

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