Controlled Nutrition: Making Safe Food for Your Dog

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Big reason to make food for your dog is you control what goes into the food. Remember the big wheat gluten scare a few years ago. Millions of dog owners became afraid to feed their own dogs because it wasn't clear which dog food brands were safe. It wasn't even clear that any mass-marketed brands of food were safe. That safety scare has led to better quality controls on commercial dog food, but you still cannot be certain of exactly what is in your dog's food, and in many cases, you cannot even be certain of where that food was manufactured. The food scare exposed a major weakness in mass-market dog food manufacturing – re-labeling. I, personally, did not know before the health scare that most discount dog food brands are manufactured by a small handful of companies. These companies often manufacture as much food as possible with only minimal safety precautions. As a result of this, the health and safety of store-purchased dog food, even higher end gourmet dog food, cannot be 100% guaranteed. Making food for your dog gives you the power to decide what they eat.

The best and often easiest to make food for your dog is ground meats, specifically ground turkey. Ground turkey has less salt and fat than ground beef, and is easier for dogs to digest. Most dogs …show more content…

Many dogs don't like veggies that much, so it may take some trial and error to find what veggies your dog will eat and what he will not. If the veggies are pre-cooked, add them toward the end of cooking the meat. Otherwise, dice non-cooked vegetables into small chunks and add them into the meat when you start cooking it. Try very small portions at first, mixed with the meat that your dog already likes. Pay attention to what he eats and what he leaves behind. Anything left behind is likely not liked by the dog, so don't include that ingredient in the future. Once you have found a combination that your dog likes, stick with

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