Personal Narrative: Point A And Point B

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Not knowing where you're going can be scary. I have never liked to get in the car and have no idea where the final destination might be. Point A and point B are definitely two important parts of a trip. Especially when there is a specific time that you are supposed to be at point B. I also don’t like being lost. I never realized that I should enjoy the journey instead of worrying so much about point A and B. Until I got lost in the woods. It was early on a saturday morning. The sun wasn’t out yet, as usual. Our saturday fishing trips normally started pretty early in the spring. My mom was running around frantically trying to finish up her last minute packing of food for the day. “Riley! I can’t believe you ate that! I told you I bought that …show more content…

Surprisingly me, my girlfriend Abbey, sister Reese, and mom had made it all the way from point A to B without making one stop. That wasn’t normal for us. Usually at least one of us had to take a pee stop or something. We found a spot to park and then got out of the car eager for a day of fishing. The park was beautiful as normal. The trees were green, the water was clear and flowing hard, and it was nice and sunny outside. A perfect day for fishing. I guess I had made my assumption too soon. Not a whole lot of fish were caught that day. I caught a couple of small trout that were pretty easy to hook. Nobody else had had any luck either. Abbey thought she had hooked a big one but it was really just a rock. “I just got a bite from a huge fish!” Her line had broken off on the rock. I tried to tell her that it was just a rock but we ended up going with her story about the fish. After a couple of hours of disappointing fishing we got bored and started to look for new things to do. Me and Abbey decided to split off from my mom and sister and go to walk the trail at the park. It was a quarter mile long trail that went through the woods that I had walked many times before. What could go wrong, right? We confidently started to make our journey on the trail. We had no clue what we were getting ourselves

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