Personal Narrative: Overcoming Obstacles In Life

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My biggest obstacle in life, Learning how to breathe. Now before your mind gets cluttered with assumptions on how ironic that statement might sound I have to take you back. At a young age I wanted to believe I was living a fairy tale, that I was the superhero and no matter what I would always come out on top. I didn't know what it felt like to be beaten or bruised, I didn't know how to cope with all these thoughts running rampant races around my mind. I didn't know because I didn't want to know. Facing the hardships of reality was never my thing, Some might say I had a "glorified" vision of the world. This way thinking was healthy you could see it radiating off of my body changing the atmosphere as I walked in the room. My sun would shine brighter …show more content…

Depression and Anxiety were nonexistent in my dictionary, I was way too strong to get taken over by an emotion. Ignorant to the fact that its not just an emotion, it's a sickness, a mental condition that evicted all my previous thoughts and settled in. Before coming to the realization that something might just be wrong I fell face first into a downward spiral. I started questioning my worth, this is my kryptonite. I told myself there is no coming out on top, no more victory, I'll be lucky if I even make it out of this alive. There would be nights where I couldn't close my eyes because of the demons that lied within, telling me the things I didn't want to hear, showing me paths that seemed unavoidable. My tolerance level began to rise I needed something to suppress these feelings, something that could take me away from this world. Allow me to "Breathe" a little easier. I didn't want to live and then suddenly all of that changed. She was born into this world 7 Pounds 8 Ounces and 23 Inches tall and took us all by storm, As she grew her mind began to expand showing potential like none other. They limited her and tried to stop the train because it was moving to fast and not on the path that they

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