Personal Narrative: Obstacles In Life

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We all go through many obstacles in our life, and most of the time, we don't know what to do about it. I have an obstacle that I am currently going through. I am a very bad procrastinator, and for the past week, I have been struggling with beginning this essay. Everyone goes through hardships in their life. It's a completely normal thing. We need to learn however, what to do in these situations. We might feel like we want to give up right away, this is because we may think that it's too much to handle, or there's nothing we can do about it. Thankfully, I have finally learned how to deal with my procrastination and start on my essay, as you can clearly see. We all go through bumps on the road, we just have to break down the situation, stand strong, and work through them. This is not the only time that I have dealt with this obstacle. I have always had a hard time getting started on my work. This essay, just happens to be another one of those things. If I had begun this essay one time, I wouldn't be so stressed right now, …show more content…

If your stuck on something in life, we just need to take a step back, look at the situation, and break it into small chunks for you to handle at a time. For step one, I took a step back and thought to myself logically that this is only four paragraphs. Which in reality is not that much. Also, if I spend my time not doing it, i'm just going to be stressing about it the whole time it's not being done. Then for the second step, I looked at the situation. We were supposed to start writing this on monday last week and today is tuesday and the essay is due on tuesday which is today. Finally, for the last step, I broke down the situation into bitesize chunks and decided that id do two paragraphs yesterday and today. Since I broke it down, it seemed to be a lot easier to get my essay done. However, if I had started on time, I would have only had to do a paragraph a day and be

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