Personal Narrative: My Work Ethic

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My life is like a novel, not one of that with a twist and turn at every corner, however a more unflustered yet compelling story. Since the beginning of my student career the one quality that has been persistent with me would have to be my fearless work ethic. While many friends of mine in my childhood would be reading Marvel Comics I would be the lone one reading on Pythagorean’s Theorem or the anatomy of dinosaurs. School has not been the easiest of tasks, and not taking any on level classes during my highschool tenure doesn't help. While many of my friends today go out shopping or catching movie on a Friday night, I would stay home and get ahead on projects or reports due the next week. Although doing homework on a Friday night is not …show more content…

Lacrosse is said to be the fastest sport in the bunch and that statement could not be anymore truthful. When i started off three years ago I barely knew how to throw and catch, embarrassing myself in drills, while others looked and laughed. That freshman year i was the MVP benchwarmer for the team, I decided from that point on my role would have to change and due to skills not coming from wishes, I had to actually work for my goals. For the past two years I have put in several hours a week on my own practicing catching, passing, and cradling just to avoid the humility faced in my first year. Hard work does truly pay off, and although I am no prodigy, I still have been able to accept the challenge presented to myself and significantly improve my Lacrosse skills and IQ. Over the past couple years lacrosse has also been a means of “therapy” to me. I looked forward to practice not only for the opportunity to get better but for the opportunity to clear the mind, when you're on the field it is almost like nothing else really matters, you are intertwined with the sport. I will always be grateful for the ability to be the sunshine on a cloudy day and for help bettering me on and off the field. We’re not just a team we’re a

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