Langston Hughes A Turning Point Essay

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Turning points are by definition a time of decisive and often beneficial change. An example of this can be seen in the following line written by Langston Hughes, “I didn’t believe there was a Jesus anymore, since he didn’t come to help me” (130). That line comes from a story about Langston Hughes’s turning point with religion. The story spoke of when he needed salvation and how he expected to see a physical manifestation of Jesus. When he did not appear, he no longer believed in Jesus. While reading this story it was hard not to see the overlap into my own life. I too had a struggle with my religion that led to a major turning point in my life. Something I believe most people do, because we all have our ups and downs, but those shifts only happen after a cataclysmic event. For me, failing my Honors Algebra 2 class did that. After which of course, I was forced to open my eyes to behaviors that I needed to mend.
My sophomore year of high school was far from ordinary. I was working four days a week part time at a gym, while trying to balance an AP course load, while also, maintaining a student council committee chair seat, and starting a non-profit for domestic violence awareness. This list does not include all of the …show more content…

At the time I was devastated and felt that I had disappointed my family which is truly the only fear I have in my life. After, talking with them though it was made quite clear that I had actually done the opposite because they did not need to yell at me or punish me for my actions. I had done it all and I had even gone so far as to fix more than just the immediate problem I had fixed myself. This made my Mother and older sister proud. To this day they reference the change they see in me and I live a much better life now then I would have prior to this moment and for that I am an even more appreciative

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