Personal Narrative: My Trip To Hawaii

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This month, as you know, was spring break. For my birthday, my family and I decided to go to Hawaii. We wanted to go because many of our friends had gone and they said that it was breath-taking. For more than half of the trip, we went to Big Island. By the name, one can possibly tell that this is the biggest island out of all of Hawaii. Big Island was amazing! There were so many places to go and things to see. The rest of the trip, which was two days, we went to Honolulu. Honolulu is Hawaii’s capital. Honolulu was great, but I liked Big Island much more. If we had spent a few more days in Honolulu, then I possibly would have liked it a lot more. My family and I did so many exciting activities. We went swimming with dolphins, hiking up an old …show more content…

Coming from Virginia where it was still a bit cold, it was very hot. Once we arrived at the hotel, we relaxed a little bit and decided to go to the hotel’s pool. When we got there, we didn’t know how big the pool was going to be. We swam for a little bit until we got hungry and tired. The next day, we went snorkeling in the bay that is connected to the ocean. We saw lots of fish but also, many rocks. When I was stand up paddle-boarding, my board hit a rock and I fell into the water. Luckily, the water was below my chest. Unfortunately, there were rocks under the water that scraped my foot everywhere. The rocks didn’t cause that much damage, but it was bleeding a little bit. Then, my family and I went to a stunning beach and had a photoshoot. My father is an excellent photographer, so he took many pictures. On the third day, my dad and I went swimming with wild dolphins. Since my brother was too young, my mom and brother stayed at the hotel. When my dad and I went swimming with wild dolphins, we didn’t get to swim side-by-side with them, but we saw them right below us. It was really interesting to see dolphins in their natural habitat instead of being held captive in a tank. On the next day, our family went to the Hale Ma’uma’u Volcano Crater, which is the only active volcano in the United States. We waited until the sunset so we could see the lava inside of the crater really well. At

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