Personal Narrative: My Soccer Game

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The moment I felt like a lot of things it was in third grade….. It was at my soccer game and we were tied with the best team in the league we were rival teams and they were undefeated just like us and we were playing for about 10 minutes into overtime. But the thing was I was goalie at the time and it was my first time. So it was really scary not being the one on the field moving around and then me as goalie just staring down the field. I mean this was so boring. I asked the coach to sub me out because I just was not feeling it, but the answer was no he needed me in that position. I mean it was the only time I was gonna be goalie because are original was absent. This game. It was really unfortunate because I really had the most fun when I was playing offense on the other hand it would sometimes be midfield or even defence but, goalie that was not my taste. …show more content…

I was amazed and started cheering but that's when it all went wrong. You know when I said I dove and and blocked a second ago I actually didn't pick it

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