Personal Narrative: My Part In The State Program

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Terrible grades. Excessive stress. Lack of self belief. These are just a few of the issues I faced before I took part in the state program. Since freshmen year, I had trouble managing my depression, anxiety, and ADD. As a result, my grades declined heavily and my G.P.A dropped to a 2.6/4.0 after the end of freshmen year. However, thanks to the state program, I learned a lifetime a skills that not only are helping me succeed in college, but will also help me in the real world. The state seminar provided me with a wealth of information that I will be using for the rest of my life. It taught me useful information such as neuroplasticity and different learning styles, while also teaching me many skills from prioritizing to managing my emotions. One of the most important skills I learned from the state seminar was time management. After learning about successful time management strategies, I implemented google calendar to help plan my day. Knowing I was suppose to being doing a task during a certain time frame helped me achieve focus and allowed me to study for my classes more effectively. In addition to time management, the state seminar provided a great environment I could use to improve myself. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals provided me with more opportunities to learn from and connect with others. …show more content…

We went over my progress from the previous two weeks and how each of my classes were going. This period of self-reflection allowed me to objectively see how I was doing this semester and where I should put more focus in my classes. In addition, Mr. Steele always made sure I was feeling okay and offered additional resources if he or I felt it was

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