Personal Narrative: My First Vietnam War

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As I gazed out of the small side window of the Bell UH-1 Huey helicopter I was in, I saw complete annihilation. Under us, planes razed a small jungle with their heavy artillery, and the Viet Cong scattered like cockroaches into their hand-dug tunnels. The year was 1960, and my family and I were trying to escape the war and seek refuge in America. The war started 5 years ago, and it was steadily moving to my hometown and Vietnam’s capital, Saigon. My father was in the military, so he got access to a helicopter to take us away before it was too late. Those less fortunate than us had to stay behind and hope for the best. My smaller sister, Lang, squirmed in my arms, a sign that she was hungry. I took a sweet potato out of a large straw bag and

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