Personal Narrative: My First Job

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As a child I always loved money I would always ask my mom and other family members if they needed me to do anything around the house for a quick buck. I wasn’t the best with money, when I was small and got enough money for pokemon cards I would always spend it. I never thought of saving for the future or if I saved a little more I could get the mega pack with more than double the cards all of this didn’t matter to me I just wanted to spend. As I matured over the years I got better with money I still wasn't great with it but matured a lot and that helped my spending habits, until I got my first job. I didn’t really want to work but my mom made me get a job little did I know at the time but it would change me for the better. Before my first …show more content…

In February of 2017 I realised I wasn’t happy with myself I wanted to wear normal sized clothes and I wanted be able to play basketball with my friends without being out of breath 5 minutes in I knew something had to change and I knew I was the only one who could change me. So I started eating better and eating less at times it was hard but I was determined to reach my goal and nothing was going to get in my way not even myself. So after many long hard months I had finally achieved what I told myself I was going to acheive 7 months earlier in February. From working at McDonalds to being a CEO having determination is good for any job you may have and this includes financial advisors. I want to be a financial advisor I want to help people achieve their goals whether my clients are newly married people or an elderly couple nearing retirement I want people to be successful and happy and I want them to make their dreams come true. I think I can do this as an advisor as I’ve proven already I am determined and I will be determined in helping my clients make as much money as

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