Essay On Spending Habits

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Yes, I was being honest when I was charting my spending habits because I haven’t done a budget that lasted a week before, and I wanted to get an estimate of how much I spend in a week. It was an interesting task to be aware of how much I was actually spending by having real numbers to look at in an organized spreadsheet. The spreadsheet itself was very simple and direct which made it easier to analyze. By lying about my spending habits, this assignment would have been counterproductive since I would have been avoiding facing the truth about how much I spent that week. Instead of being dishonest and trying to avoid that amount of money I spent, I was honest when I was charting my expenses since I wanted to get an actual estimate, even if this …show more content…

A lot of the things I bought that I wanted include food and miscellaneous items I bought at Wal-Mart. I also bought food which depending on the circumstance, I would consider as a need. In my spreadsheet, I categorized certain foods as wants, and others as needs. This depended on the time of day and how much I spent. For example, I know that I did not need to spend at amount on a meal at a restaurant. However, I was with my friends and I wanted to. On the other hand, the day I bought a burger at A & W was more of a necessity, since I did not pack food from home to take to school so rather than stay hungry, I decided I needed to buy food so I wold no longer be hungry. I believe this is fairly representative of my usual spending habits. Although, I know I don’t spend this much in a week. I believe on average I spend around $20.00 a week, which I mostly spend on food. Since I went shopping with my friends and my family this week, I spent a lot more than I usually do. I would also like to point out that the $24.42 I spent at Wal-Mart was because my mom had not brought her money. If my parents are out shopping with me, they are the ones who will generally pay for items they need and items I want. This also depends on how desperately I want the item. If they don’t want to pay for an item they believe is unnecessary for me, …show more content…

However like most people, my relationship with money can still be improved. I do have moments when I may go on a spending spree like this week when I want to relieve myself from stressful situations. I believe it would be more beneficial to channel my stress in a more constructive manner rather than be impulsive when buying things. By the end of this week, I had mixed feelings when I realized how much I spent. I was aware of how much I was spending but, I was also aware that I don’t generally spend this much. Even though I felt somewhat guilty, I know that I will continue to save money as a way to pay up for all the spending I did this

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