Personal Narrative: My First Car

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My first car, according to my friends and anyone who laid eyes on it, was a shoe box. Goldie, better known as a Toyota Echo, was the perfect a-to-b car. It didn’t require many repairs, was a manual, and even made a twelve-hour road trip to Florida and back, much to everyone’s surprise. The bittersweet day came when I had to sell it before I was shipped off to basic military training. From then on out, I fantasized about my new car that would have a manual transmission, more than two doors, easy on gas, and a way to play my music that didn’t require some tape or radio medium. Finally, the day came when I could buy my own car and I decided it was going to be a hatchback Ford Focus 2013. This car is my prince and so the name stuck. He has all my requirements and my qualities.
The best place to start is why I need a manual car. My family has a tradition of learning how to drive on a stick shift which is important to me because I savor the memories with the tradition. Every time I place my hand on the stick, I’m transported back to “helping” my papa drive his old truck. He would handle the clutch and tell me when to change gears. The shifter is the most important job a four-year-old could have. To this day, I have a sense of responsibility when I …show more content…

I had plenty adventures with Goldie that involved shoving the tallest people in the back of its two door cab, but it was time to upgrade space. The more places you go, the more people you meet and it was proven true in my time with the military. Prince’s four doors were perfect to shove all my friends in to tag along to the beach, around the base and fieldtrips to wherever we dared to adventure. There was no need to worry about money either because we would pool money together to cover the gas. A benefit of this car as well is that it required us to drive 340 odd miles before we had to refill. It left us more time to adventure and more money to spend on

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