Personal Narrative: My Experience With Learning Disability

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My life story is one of hard work and perseverance. In the third grade I was diagnosed with a type of learning disability know as dyslexia. For me, I had trouble understanding and processing language because my reading and writing skills were not yet where they needed to be. I knew before I was even diagnosed that I was different than most students. Most students were reading at or above our grade level, whereas I was reading at about two levels behind where I should’ve been. My writing skills and penmanship was also very bad. Often times my teachers couldn’t read what I was writing and sometimes I couldn’t even read it. I have always been subconscious about my writing and never wanted others to read my papers, so I never got the feedback that …show more content…

As a child it was hard for me to except the fact that I had a learning disability, so I chose not to believe it. Being categorized as a quote, “special student” pushed me to try harder and perform better in school. I wanted prove to everyone that I didn’t have a learning disability and that I didn’t need any special treatment to help me. I was put in resources classes all the way up until High School to help improve my reading and writing. I would be pulled out of my regular class to go to a different class with other students that also had learning disabilities. My classmates would ask me about my resource classes which I never wanted to talk about and to be completely honest, I was ashamed if it. Although I hated going to those resource classes, looking back I am thankful that I did. It was the best thing to every happen to me as far as enhancing my education. It had significantly improved my reading and writing skills that I would need before entering High School. Once I entered High School I was faced a whole different set of problems. It was not my reading and writing that caused me to perform badly throughout high school, but rather it was a lack of

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