Personal Narrative: My Decision To Quit

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When I was five years old, my dad drove me to my first ever soccer practice. In the car on the ride over there I was so excited. However, once I got there, I wanted my dad to turn around and take me home. I realized I did not know anyone or even what soccer was and at five years old that was scary. My dad told me I was not allowed to quit, and I had to finish the season. It took me twenty years to play my final season of soccer. Therefore, I believe you should never quit because you might not know what you are giving up in the long run.

When I was twenty years old my dad lost his battel with cancer and passed away. I was a junior in college and wanted so badly to just quit school and move back home. I knew quitting wasn’t going to fix anything, but at the time it just felt like it would be easier. I was depressed and felt lost and for the first time in my life didn’t have my biggest supporter pushing me or giving me the advice I needed to hear. I didn’t quit school and ended up graduating early and being offered a full-time job right out of school. …show more content…

After a few months living in the new state and starting my new job, I became unhappy and felt alone. I was face yet again with another choice to either quit and move back home or to stick it out. I kept telling myself that this feeling was only temporary and in the long run it was a good move. Three years later I am married and have a great job. If I had quit I would have never met my husband and I would have not gotten the two promotions that led me to my current

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