Personal Narrative: My Cultural Experiences

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As an undergraduate student, I always longed for different ways to enrich my cultural experiences, whether it was trying to learn a new language or watching documentaries and movies in foreign languages about different cultures. However, the only action that really added to me was years later when I made the decision of moving to the United States to pursue a higher degree. The shift from being a member of a high context culture such as my home country –Saudi Arabia- into a low context culture such as the United States was highly rewarding. Even though I have read about the difficulties of the transition process and how that many people could find the adjustment process really challenging, experiencing it was different on many levels. Some of the difficulties that I have went through was experiencing what it feels like to be the different, or the alien to be precise. Also, I have dealt with stereotypes about my identity; many people found it confusing to be a Saudi/Muslim woman who does not wear hijab or the head cover. Morover, I noticed how language can be an obstacle sometimes in simple situations such as asking for directions wherever I am lost. Suddenly, asking for help never seemed so arduous. …show more content…

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