Personal Narrative: My Car Topher

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The first thing that needs to be known about this car is that it is not my car it is my dad's car that he lets me use. If I ever refer to it as my car he looks at me and asks whose car is it. Since I can not call this car my car I figured I would give it a name. My dad's name is Christopher, he goes by Chris. Since he always reminds me that it is his car not mine my sisters and I named the car Topher, the last part of my dads name. Topher is a 2005 Honda Accord with about one hundred thousand miles on it, although it is not a super old car it has been through a lot. One of Topher's many quirks is that his fabric roof lining sags, so as any innovative thinker would do we stapled it back up. Another lovely feature is that the drivers side keyhole

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