Personal Narrative: My Car

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It’s funny to me that we are having this discussion this week because I recently got a different car I use the term different because well it's, not a new car and it’s that my dream car or the exact car I wanted. My car was totaled in June when I was hit by a drunk driver. I never really thought too much about how my car could be different from other cars of the same model and year. What I did not know was that my car was a demo model and had a lot of added features that most in its class do not have. So like most people these days I shopped the internet daily had an app on the phone alerting me to cars like mine for sale. I would get an alert go check it out and have to deal with the used car salesmen shim sham. Oh, I would hear so much crap and hustle. …show more content…

I didn’t see or hear a lot of reciprocity used. However, everyone is an authority every one of the salespeople I encountered was the all-knowing of knowers. They all had been selling cars since Christ was a child and had sold the lord his self his car just last week. Now I could not care less because I wanted a certain car with a list of features and if they didn’t have it I was moving on, but oh they could show me a car I would like better. A better car than my old car. They would pull the scarcity lines out this other car was so cool there is not another one like it for the price, and it is a better car. When I would decline they would try the old you're smart women let me show you, and you can decide, or they would express how they know too well how replacing a car is hard because we get attached to our cars. It was very exhausting to deal with. It came to the point that I would tell them straight up I am here to look at this car. I do not want to drive, look, or hear about any other cars you may have to sell me. Don’t waste my time or yours. It seems to work pretty

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